Dick, Kerr Ladies Football Team

A movie about a football group that was born out of the Initial World War and was banned by the English Football Association because they felt threatened by the women’s game.
Video clip Rating: four / 5

10 thoughts on “Dick, Kerr Ladies Football Team

  1. meejician

    Hi! the learn history site took huge swathes of my book without asking, thus breaching copyright. I’ve asked for it to be removed, with no success. That is part of the reason why the book is now out of print. If people can get the information for free, they won’t buy the book. The copyright of that particular photo is particularly upsetting, as it belongs to Alice Woods’s daughter, and it’s rarely, if ever, acknowledged. They deserve better. Having said that, I loved your video!

  2. worcesterjonny

    @meejician I’m sorry for giving you the credit you deserve. All the information came from the learnhistory site and the pictures were taken from google. I will acknowledge you in the info when I get chance.

  3. choochoodacat

    Fantastic film, I never ever heard that women’s footy went back so far. Typical FA though, all footy assoc’s are inbred megalomaniacs, especially uefa. How come 95% of the “footy family” seem to be fans of the teams in the cup final and even seem to come from the towns/cities involved in the final……..maybe I,m naive, but they should not be allowed to sell their tickets!!! Surely if they accept them then they have a moral duty to attend the game. Yours miffed, Choochoo.

  4. ckeccles06

    thanks for posting this my grandmother played for them in 1921 i have a gold medal that i am proud of

  5. davescissorhands

    Brilliant video,I played against some of these ladies at Fleetwood even though they were all over 60!!

  6. patbrosnan123

    good job on this video! my names Brianna, kinda feelin bored if any1 wants to join me on cam or wana chat i will be signed on at __ PLAY-CAM…dot…COM __ my user ID there is Brianna_jdjipobut chat soon xx its FR33 to j0in! mwah

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